Workplace Inspections are an essential part of your general duty of care and hazard reduction.
Safety Consultants Australia have experienced safety consultants who are available to come to your workplace and complete a Workplace Safety Check at your work site.
For a more thorough process, we also offer Workplace Inspections which form part of the hazard control strategy and we can help with regular inspection programs, forms, matrices and can suggest databases to assist you.

Safety Consultants Australia have competent and qualified professionals who are available to do specific inspections such as machine guarding surveys, confined spaces, lock out tag out points, advice on dangerous goods or an office inspection.

Workplace inspections should form part of your overall hazard control strategy and should incorporate task analysis of safety procedures, risk registers and consultative procedures.

Site Inspections can form part of:
- office environment audits
- plant and equipment audits;
- high risk work environments; and
- dangerous goods in the workplace;
Contact us now to get started.
Safety Australia Group Consultants can create prioritised action plans to assist in your businesses compliance journey.
Contact us now via Email or call us on 1300 585 128.